Comments on: New Recovery Menu + Reload Animation http://localhost/wp/2008/07/new-recovery-menu-reload-animation/ this title probably isn't very original Fri, 30 May 2014 19:32:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: admin http://localhost/wp/2008/07/new-recovery-menu-reload-animation/comment-page-1/#comment-200 Thu, 03 Jul 2008 15:26:52 +0000 Oh…. Well, i’m not sure how to do the layer-visibility thing. It would be useful, but I’m not sure how.

I’m finding KDE 4 a bit slow compared to GNOME, but linus told me to use KDE.

Yeah, I don’t have a delete-layer method yet.

By: Kemeros http://localhost/wp/2008/07/new-recovery-menu-reload-animation/comment-page-1/#comment-197 Thu, 03 Jul 2008 04:48:10 +0000 Hello,

you fixed the file new problem and the rotation now works great.

The streching problem is still there but it’s not a big problem… a little care while rotating is enough to prevent that until a fix…

Probably not a bug: the red buttons that are supposed to delete a layer aren’t working for me.

Quote from you:

“What do you mean by your last suggestion? How would multiple frames be displayed? I’m going to add the old timeline-tooltip-preview eventually, and I want it to be able to drag the cursor through frames/etc.”

I wasn’t talking about showing multiple frame but rather showing in the canvas window, the objects that are in other layers as well(showing multiple layers at the same time to the user). Currently.. you can only view the items contained in the currently selectionned layer. Exemple: i create a red square on the first layer in frame 1. Then i create a new layer. I select frame 1 of layer 2. The item of the layer 1 disappears. And the only way you have to see everything is with the preview.

My suggestion: giving a visible(visible or not visible) option to layers(like in flash) so you can choose what to see and what not to see in the canvas. It’s hard to place your mouth on the second layer if the face on the layer 1 disapears.

Linux is great, i would scrap this windows installation right now if i were able to play pc games on it(without using wine).

