Comments on: Weppy: Javascript Shim for WebP on Chrome 6 and Firefox 4.0 http://localhost/wp/2010/10/weppy-javascript-shim-for-webp-on-chrome-6-and-firefox-4-0/ this title probably isn't very original Fri, 30 May 2014 19:32:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: WebP – 谷歌的图片压缩技术 – http://localhost/wp/2010/10/weppy-javascript-shim-for-webp-on-chrome-6-and-firefox-4-0/comment-page-1/#comment-99926 Thu, 28 Mar 2013 08:32:00 +0000 [...] to this bug, so at this point the only thing Mozilla needs to do is hit accept. There is also a JavaScript shim that adds WebP support to all WebM compatible browsers (which includes Firefox), but this kind [...]

By: WebP – 谷歌的图片压缩技术 – http://localhost/wp/2010/10/weppy-javascript-shim-for-webp-on-chrome-6-and-firefox-4-0/comment-page-1/#comment-99927 Thu, 28 Mar 2013 08:32:00 +0000 [...] to this bug, so at this point the only thing Mozilla needs to do is hit accept. There is also a JavaScript shim that adds WebP support to all WebM compatible browsers (which includes Firefox), but this kind [...]

By: A Comprehensive Guide to WebP | Web Performance Monitoring and Optimization http://localhost/wp/2010/10/weppy-javascript-shim-for-webp-on-chrome-6-and-firefox-4-0/comment-page-1/#comment-96688 Fri, 08 Mar 2013 12:44:48 +0000 [...] to this bug, so at this point the only thing Mozilla needs to do is hit accept. There is also a JavaScript shim that adds WebP support to all WebM compatible browsers (which includes Firefox), but this kind [...]

By: unxed http://localhost/wp/2010/10/weppy-javascript-shim-for-webp-on-chrome-6-and-firefox-4-0/comment-page-1/#comment-30883 Sun, 20 Nov 2011 07:36:44 +0000 New WebPJS library brings WebP support to all major browsers, including IE6+

By: Wykorzystanie formatu zdjęć Google WebP z otwartymi narzędziami na Linuksa | http://localhost/wp/2010/10/weppy-javascript-shim-for-webp-on-chrome-6-and-firefox-4-0/comment-page-1/#comment-23595 Thu, 26 May 2011 09:09:31 +0000 [...] Od kiedy dekodowanie WebM jest dostarczane przez renderer Gecko a nie przez plug-in może być wykorzystywane przez JavaScript. Mały skrypt JavaScript o nazwie Weppy jest hostowany na GitHub który może wziąć .webp elementu i skonwertować go pojedynczej ramki WebM elementu . Więc jeśli chcesz opublikować treści WebP bezpośrednio w sieci do wykorzystania przez użytkowników Firefox-a możesz to zrobić włączając wepby.js do swojej strony – twoi odwiedzający nie będą nawet widzieć różnicy. Możesz przeczytać więcej o funkcjonalności Weppy i zobaczyć przykładowy kod na blogu autora. [...]

By: 404 Not Found http://localhost/wp/2010/10/weppy-javascript-shim-for-webp-on-chrome-6-and-firefox-4-0/comment-page-1/#comment-23128 Thu, 05 May 2011 08:17:45 +0000 [...] Since WebM decoding is provided by the Gecko renderer and not by a plug-in, it can be leveraged by JavaScript. A small JavaScript script named Weppy is hosted at GitHub that can take a .webp img element and converts it into a single-frame WebM video element. So if you want to publish WebP content directly on the Web for enjoyment by Firefox users, you can do so by including weppy.js in your page — your visitors will never even know there difference. You can read more about Weppy’s functionality and see example code at the author’s blog. [...]
