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Pepper Spray Cop

This is a hopefully more entertaining project which piggybacks on a meme which is probably already quite dated relative to the date of the publishing of this article. Nonetheless, that meme and the entire occupy movement will likely hold some place in the annals of internet history. For those unexposed to this meme, UC Davis Police officer Lieutenant John Pike was photographed nonchalantly applying copious quantities of the practical food product (as Fox News phrased it) to the throats and faces of nonviolent protesters.

This app takes a picture and uses the face detection API in order to locate candidate faces. The image is drawn on canvas with the corresponding cop, and a orange mist is drawn by iteratively drawing random points with accordance to a certain probability distribution. The cop flips with a rather cool animation when you drag him around.

Posted in Fun, Pepper Spray Cop.

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  1. Sui says

    Dearest Admin,

    I’ve been stalking through your blog during third period on December 12th, 2011 (It’s alright, I’m not ditching, I just happen to have finished all my work and this is computer graphics. I’m not a stalker either, you sent me this link before I believe and you helped me with my less-than-amazing-geometry-skillz).
    Why-are-you-so-good-at-coding-I-can’t-believe-you-said-you-fail-you-horribly-amazing-coding-person. It’s confusing, because I don’t get anything :D. I’m oh-so terribly stupid, after all. But I want an explanation, and teach me~ And that Ajax Animator, can you explain using non-computer-fluent language?

    Your fellow reject, Sui.

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