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Ajax Animator

Ajax Animator

One of my projects to build a fully standards-based, online, collaborative, web-based animation suite. Its original goal was to be a usable Flash IDE alternative, but has evolved into a cross-platform/cross-format animation tool, primed to support Animated GIFs, SWF (Flash), SVG Animations, and more. It is currently built using Javascript and PHP. Yes I know that the name isn’t the most creative thing ever, and also isn’t the most accurate name ever (There is almost no actual XMLHttpRequests going on there, most of the stuff is client-side and saving/opening is done through a POST into an <iframe>).

The new Ajax Animator version 0.2 was launched on Sunday, August 8, 2008, with this post.

Newer and Old Screenshots. Video Introduction (Gadget UI). Wave State Demo. User Made Introduction (Standard UI)

Run Application Now – New Redesigned Interface with VectorEditor, Multi-Select, Onion Skinning

Standard OnlyPaths Based VersionsOriginal 0.2x Standard UI

VectorEditor Based Versions: New Redesigned Interface with Multi-Select, Onion Skinning OR Standard UI OR Google Wave Gadget (new, must have Google Wave)

iPad Compatible Version:

An early development screenshot.

An early development screenshot.

132 Responses

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  1. Alok says

    hi all there are very intersting web tools provided all contant of web services

  2. Daniel says

    Great work, I was looking for a OS functional Flash animation environment for my students and this is the most promising one. Thank you for this project.
    Greetings from Peru.

    PS: Do you have a date for the next release?

  3. admin says

    The current developing version (0.2) will be released some time within the next few months. Maybe even this month.

  4. lrbabe says

    It is strange that you receive only few attention for your projects which are really promising.
    Keep on this amazing work !

  5. nothing says

    Nice! Will it have AS1 support in the future?

  6. admin says

    Possibly, but not yet.

  7. big fan says

    Can the software import images? In the future?

  8. admin says

    There’s a section on this in the manual, you need to upload your image to a service like imageshack and insert the URL into the text box in properties when you select the Image tool.

  9. idiotonuni says

    I have been here since I found the link on the liveswif forums a few years ago…just came back and I must say, amazing!!!! I clicked all the links on the ads, keep up the fantastic work.

  10. Fabio says

    Great, but it lacks some important flash features like interactivity (buttons, objects, etc.). Will the support for ActionScript be added in future versions?

  11. Birger says

    When I publish(flash or gif) my animation (a red dot moving from left to right in 20 frames) I only get an empty white movie (or image). I have tried on different computers, same result. If I open the gif-file in Photoshop I get a lot of layers, all white and empty.
    (Using Firefox, Flash 9, windows xp sp3)
    A bug or?

  12. admin says

    Strange… It works for me. How are you drawing the animation? Does it play in preview?

  13. Birger says

    Yes, everything works fine (preview or view animation) but the saved file i clean as snow.

    Here is the code I tried today:
    {“name”:”Untitled Production”,”creation”:1223847249210,”contrib”:["anonymous"],”modified”:1223847270186,”generator”:{“app”:”Ajax Animator”,”build”:514,”release”:”0.20.02″,”dev”:false,”stability”:”Beta RC3″,”date”:1218925525.7},”revision”:13,”tcframe”:18,”tclayer”:”Layer 1″,”layers”:{“Layer 1″:{“keyframes”:[18,1],”src”:{“1″:[{"id":"shape:aa0717e1-d299-4ccf-899b-8e734ede1e11","type":"roundrect","transform":"rotate(0, 42.5, 34.5)","fillColor":"#FF0000","lineColor":"#000000","fillOpac":1,"lineOpac":1,"lineWidth":1,"rx":20,"ry":20,"left":25,"top":17,"width":35,"height":35}],”18″:[{"id":"shape:aa0717e1-d299-4ccf-899b-8e734ede1e11","type":"roundrect","transform":"rotate(0, 360.5, 28.5)","fillColor":"#FF0000","lineColor":"#000000","fillOpac":1,"lineOpac":1,"lineWidth":1,"rx":20,"ry":20,"left":344,"top":11,"width":35,"height":35}]}}},”width”:480,”height”:272,”framerate”:12}

  14. admin says

    Oh. You used the Rounded-rectangle tool, which doesn’t work. You can use the Circle/Ellipse tool which is immediately to the right of that icon instead.

  15. admin says

    You can try again. I added the Rounded Rectangles to the compilier, but they’ll look like rectangles. Again, if you want a circle/ellipse/dot, you should use the Circle/Ellipse tool which is immediately to the right of that icon instead.

  16. Birger says

    I tryed again and it works with rectangles and lines, no other tool is giving anything if I publish to flash. If I publish to gif some more is working (eg freeform and circle, but not rounded rectangle).
    I like this idé and your intensions in this project, that´s why Im responding. I think it´s a brilliant idé!

  17. admin says

    Right now, it’s for technical limitations. I’m using the FreeMovie library, because this is on a PHP server without any such things like Ming/Java. I’m getting a Java server, and hopefully I will be able to use the more powerful Java Transform library to support all these shapes.

  18. Mike says

    The idea is fantastic. As someone who knows nothing about flash (even if this project is flash? ) I found it incredibly easy to use. At this stage I’m not going to list all the bugs but here’s the key ones that need fixing:

    1. Animation speed – I search high and low for a way to slow it down
    2. Stop the animation – My animation said “goodbye” and then started again
    3. I lost the text information at the bottom of the screen – and with text, IE didn’t like my ouput (nor gimp gif)

  19. admin says

    1. You lower the frame-rate. (see properties bar on the bottom)
    2. By default, animation is in a loop. I could add that to a future version.
    3. Rendering isn’t that good. Text hasn’t been implemented in most of the export formats but will eventually.

    Thanks for the comment!

  20. John says

    Its very cool, and i congratulate you for some really good work!

    I can put images into the animation and the preview of the amimation looks fine, but when i export it as a flash, the flash is just white blank.

  21. admin says

    The export mechanisms can’t add images yet. This will be fixed in the next few versions when we switch to the new Java based export library

  22. HairyMan says

    Not bad… Not bad.

  23. amh says

    Can you delete keyframes in current version?

  24. admin says

    no, not yet. But you can always undo.

  25. Peter says

    Incredible work!

  26. asdasfg says

    when i go to a new time frame the one i was just at gets deleted what is happening?

  27. admin says

    Do you have more information on what happens exactly?

  28. Chuckk says

    I know what it’s like to develop something you care about solo. Excellent project, and kudos for going open source.
    No requests here, just grateful for its existence!

  29. admin says


  30. muriloht says


    there is someone working on the Portuguese (Brazil) translation of the project?

    if possible I am very interested in helping the project, either programming or translating.


  31. admin says

    Right now, there isn’t any system for making translations, if you could get a translation API, that would be great!

  32. the homeboy says

    hey where can i find the manual for Ajax?

    a thousand thankyous

  33. admin says

    Do you mean my program, the Ajax Animator? or the technology Ajax?
    Ajax Animator:
    (but just going to Help-> Manual should work too)

  34. an aspiring person says

    You are a genius!!!
    This is so cool!

    How did you get so good at coding?

  35. nh2 says

    I’m impressed! I hope you will go on and the project will stay growing, with more contributors. It would be bad if such a very good work was interrupted.
    Do you plan to make an easily downloadable and installable version for use offline at home (I don’t have no internet connection at home and I’m not the only one, here in third world).
    May God help you.

  36. Kyle says

    I’ve been playing with this today, and it’s really cool. I’m sad there doesn’t seem to be a tutorial though, I’m somewhat lost without one.

    Is there some post or doc that explains how to script the animations to respond to mouseclicks etc?

  37. admin says

    sadly, there is no way to script animations -_-

  38. Eric says

    I’ve been watching this project for over I year and I think this is cool.
    and if you could make it scriptable it will make it a lot better.

    Great job.

    Any chance letting me put it in an I frame in an online os I’m making with jquery?

  39. ben says

    I have just tryed to upload an .swf file but it did not show on the screen.
    I have tryed toupload it many times but because there is no progress bars ,we do not know if the files has been or not uploaded.

    Thanks anyway,this looks promissing.

    good work


  40. admin says

    It’s somewhat hiddenly scriptable via macro type snippets. And you absolutely may put it in an iframe.

  41. admin says

    It can’t load .swf files yet.

  42. Eric says

    Thanks! When I’ll finish it I will send you a link if you want.

  43. Zack says

    I love the animator! Will you make it open source so people can modify it, or is it OK if I just steal the script?

  44. admin says

    Lol. :P

    It’s always been open source.

    I’d appreciate if you were to somehow tell me about your modified versions if you made some. Or if you want, I can make you one of the developers.

  45. Robert says

    Hi, I tried the “Development (Unstable) Version” from the above link, and parts of it seem to rely on “is no longer” according to their site as of March 2009.

    Otherwise, great job and thanks for sharing Ajax Animator!

  46. admin says

    As of now, the Development version isn’t much ahead the stable build, so there aren’t anythings there yet. I’ll go ahead and remove the link

  47. Pedro says

    Man its great!

    I’ve found it today wile I was searching for a way to make flash stuff in an old notebook, and that is great (not so great yet) as it is online I can use any pc!

    Since I mostly work with flash games I ask, will it be possible do make games on it? or just animations?

    Thanks for do the ajax animator =D

  48. DDLShack says

    You should add anti-aliasing to the exports ;)

  49. naschas says

    Hi! I am glad I found this application, my only question is that I want to change my HTML site to a flash one using a template, is there any way with your AJAX Animator to upload the FLA file from the template to edit and compile the flash?


  50. admin says

    On which export format?

1 2 3

Continuing the Discussion

  1. Information Celebration » Blog Archive » Online Video Celebration linked to this post on September 2, 2008

    [...] Ajax Animator – Free Online editor to create Flash and Silverlight files. Progress is slow but steady on this utility. [...]

  2. Link Backup from » Blog Archive » links for 2009-10-03 linked to this post on October 3, 2009

    [...] Ajax Animator – Blog One of my projects to build a fully standards-based, online, collaborative, web-based animation suite. Its original goal was to be a usable Flash IDE alternative, but has evolved into a cross-platform/cross-format animation tool, primed to support Animated GIFs, SWF (Flash), SVG Animations, and more. It is currently built using Javascript and PHP. Yes I know that the name isn’t the most creative thing ever, and also isn’t the most accurate name ever (There is almost no actual XMLHttpRequests going on there, most of the stuff is client-side and saving/opening is done through a POST into an <iframe>). (tags: flash animation tools) [...]

  3. Ajax Animator | Open Source Applications linked to this post on October 17, 2009

    [...] Web Site Demo Download Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. [...]

  4. Online Tools and Resources « Espresso Chic linked to this post on March 16, 2011

    [...] <animation editor with built in vector graphics editor [...]

  5. Online Tools and Resources « Ms.Receptionitis linked to this post on May 10, 2011

    [...] <animation editor with built in vector graphics editor [...]

  6. Online Tools and Resources « Ms.Receptionitis linked to this post on May 10, 2011

    [...] built in vector graphics editor [...]

  7. Interlocked Pieces AJAX Animator linked to this post on June 27, 2011

    [...] just added this cool online tool to my Resources – Links+ list but wanted to share it in a post also. This is such a cool site [...]

  8. Download « webworldmaster linked to this post on November 14, 2011

    [...] Link: [...]

  9. Ajax Animator | 36´5 GRAUS linked to this post on December 13, 2011

    [...] Link: .nrelate .nr_sponsored{ left:0px !important; } // .fb_iframe_widget { vertical-align: top [...]

  10. 6 Useful And Best Free Flash Editors | Techno Tab linked to this post on February 9, 2012

    [...] 6) Ajax Animator [...]

  11. WEBDEV CORNER by SEBASTIEN TARNOWSKI | My Blog about Web & Mobile Development linked to this post on March 12, 2012

    [...] intended as an alternative to Flash, AJAX Animator  has evolved into a cross- platform animation tool that handles animated GIFs and SVGs as well as [...]

  12. 50 Free Web Design Tools That Rock! | Web Help 101 linked to this post on March 17, 2012

    [...] intended as an alternative to Flash, AJAX Animator has evolved into a cross- platform animation tool that handles animated GIFs and SVGs as well as [...]

  13. 50 free web design tools that rock! linked to this post on March 20, 2012

    [...] intended as an alternative to Flash, AJAX Animator  has evolved into a cross- platform animation tool that handles animated GIFs and SVGs as well as [...]

  14. 30 Best Free Tools for Web Designers & Developers | Sky Tech Geek linked to this post on March 21, 2012

    [...] handles animated GIFs and SVGs as well as SWFs. It’s browser based but works offline too.   Download [...]

  15. 5 Free Flash Editors to Create Outstanding Animation | ZoomZum linked to this post on May 22, 2012

    [...] 6) Ajax Animator [...]

  16. 5 Best Open Source Flash Editors | Techno Tab linked to this post on May 23, 2012

    [...] 1) Ajax Animator [...]

  17. 5 Best Open Source Flash Editors | Weboroid linked to this post on July 3, 2012

    [...] Readmore [...]

  18. 7 Best Free Flash Editors linked to this post on July 19, 2012

    [...] Ajax Animator is a fully standards-based, online, collaborative, web-based animation suite. [...]

  19. Ajax Animator – Blog « Sutoprise Avenue, A SutoCom Source linked to this post on August 20, 2012

    [...] Animator – Blog Posted: August 20, 2012 in Web & Cloud 0 Ajax Animator – Blog. Share this:LinkedInTwitterDiggBloggerLike this:LikeBe the first to like [...]

  20. Ücretsiz Web Tasarım Araçları – (21 Tane) | Webtroloji - Webmaster Blogu linked to this post on April 11, 2013

    [...] animasyon aracı haline gelmiştir ve GIF  SVG  SWF desteklemektedir. Online bir araç olan Ajax animatorçevrimdışı olarak da [...]

  21. Ücretsiz Web Tasarım Araçları – (21 Tane) | OrcunTuna linked to this post on January 30, 2014

    […] animasyon aracı haline gelmiştir ve GIF  SVG  SWF desteklemektedir. Online bir araç olan Ajax animatorçevrimdışı olarak da […]

  22. » 7 free/open source Flash editors linked to this post on March 27, 2014

    […] Ajax Animator is a fully standards-based, online, collaborative flash Integrated development environment (IDE) specially designed for simplicity and community. The Main goal of the project is become usable Flash IDE alternative, but has evolved into a cross-platform/cross-format animation tool, primed to support Animated GIFs, SWF (Flash), SVG Animations, and more. It is currently built using JavaScript and PHP. […]

  23. 15 free web design tools – Rock Your Website (Part 1) | WeBlog linked to this post on April 25, 2014

    […] intended as an alternative to Flash, AJAX Animatorhas evolved into a cross- platform animation tool that handles animated GIFs and SVGs as well as […]

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