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6 Responses

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  1. Gareth Heyes says

    Pretty simple to bypass by reusing the server on a phishers server:-

  2. Gareth Heyes says

    Comment got stripped:-
    <iframe src="http://server_with_identicon/page_with_identicon#identiconID&quot; style="width:50px;height:50px;"></iframe>

  3. admin says

    Aww :( I guess that complicates things. I guess then you would need to have the image loaded via script with a token on the condition there’s no parent frame.

  4. Anonymous says

    Print screen? How would users know the difference between the authentic image and a copy?

  5. admin says

    Because it’s unique to every IP address. A copy would be from someone else’s IP address.

  6. Nathanael says

    What are you using for image generation?

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