somewhere to talk about random ideas and projects like everyone else



Fluidizer fixed width → fluid width bookmarklet 14 July 2010

Yaay, fluid width!


This is another old one, something I made february fifteenth of this year.

One of the purely theoretical things that have always annoyed me, were fixed width themes. Because I love being a hypocrite, this blog right now is using a fixed width theme. Though I probably could make up an excuse, like to serve as a decent test case for Fluidizer in part of my grand scheme detailed via embedded steganographic messages inside all of my screenshots. Of course that’s all a lie (however much I would like otherwise).

It’s always bothered me how some web sites have these fixed-width layouts, sometimes with insanely thin boxes allocated to content. The vast majority of my screen becomes this orange blob of text. Chrome’s visual appearance motto is “Content not chrome”. That doesn’t help if the content is being obscured by the presentation of the content (gopher) might have solved that problem). Less chrome just means my eyes start to drown in +/- 1,732,405 pixels of orange. Even outside the extreme case, having a fixed-width layout isn’t efficient, and using something like Readability to only show the content removes the personality of the site or author, and only works on articles.

Fluidizer automatically resizes themes semi-pseudo-intelligently, and works with a lot of themes. It has several algorithms it uses, which are sort of alchemy-like and strange. I have no clue how it works, but there’s lots of strange stuff that goes on to magically do stuff. I think it even somehow has a CSS parser that uses CORS to load css through a server-side proxy.

Only tested in Chrome: [Fluidize]

javascript:(function(){function k(a){return(a||"").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")}function u(a,g){var b=new XMLHttpRequest;"GET",""+encodeURIComponent(a),true);b.onreadystatechange=function(){b.readyState==4&&b.status==200&&g(b.responseText)};b.send()}function o(){for(var a=0,g=0,b=false,h="*,div,p,body,span".split(",");!b&&g++<20;){if(document.body.scrollWidth>window.innerWidth){b=true;a-=100}else a+=100;for(var c=d.length;c--;){var f=d[c].text;try{for(var i=document.querySelectorAll(f),l=i.length;l--;){var n=i[l],p=parseFloat(d[c].width,10),q=d[c].width.replace(/^[\-\d\.]+/,"");if(q!="px")if(q=="em")p*=16;else console.warn("not used to handling non-px units");if(p>400&&h.indexOf(f)==-1){if(!n.a)n.a=p;"px"}}}catch(x){}}}try{c=d.length;a=0;for(var r;c--;)if(h.indexOf(d[c].text)==-1)try{var j=document.querySelectorAll(d[c].text);if(j.length==1&&j[0].getElementsByTagName("*").length>15&&(j[0]==document.body||j[0].parentNode==document.body||j[0].parentNode.parentNode==document.body))if(parseInt(d[c].width,10)>a){a=parseInt(d[c].width,10);r=j[0]}}catch(y){}if(a>500)"100%"}catch(z){}}function v(a){function g(){var i=h.split(";").map(function(l){if(k(l.split(":")[0])=="width")return k(l.split(":")[1]);return""}).join("");b&&k(b)&&i&&k(i)&&d.push({text:k(b),width:i});h=b=""}for(var b="",h="",c=0,f=0;f<a.length;f++)if(a[f]=="{")c=1;else if(a[f]=="}"){g();c=0}else if(c==0)b+=a[f];else if(c==1)h+=a[f];g();o()}for(var d=[],s=document.styleSheets,t=s.length;t--;){var e=s[t];if(e.href&&!e.cssRules){console.log(e.href);u(e.href,v)}else{e=e.cssRules;for(var m=e.length;m--;){var w=e[m].selectorText;e[m].style&&e[m].style.width&&d.push({text:w,width:e[m].style.width})}}}window.addEventListener("resize",function(){setTimeout(function(){o()},100)});o()})();

XPath Bookmark Bookmarklet 01 November 2009

  //inspired by
  var s = document.createElement('script');
  if(typeof jQuery=='undefined') document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);
  (function() {
    if(typeof jQuery=='undefined') setTimeout(arguments.callee, 100)
        for(var path = '', elt = jQuery(this)[0]; elt && elt.nodeType==1; elt=elt.parentNode){
          var idx = jQuery(elt.parentNode).children(elt.tagName).index(elt)+1;
          idx>1 ? (idx='['+idx+']') : (idx='');
        window.location.hash = "#xpath:"+path

Sometimes you want to link to a certain part of a web page. That’s great and works well if its a nice site that clearly defines anchor tags to link to, but what if there isn’t?

Today I just remembered something and I thought that I saw something earlier with a xpath URL hash. I googled it and couldn’t find anything native to the browser (please correct me if I’m wrong) but found this script: which is basically what I was thinking about. But it was allegedly hard to make those URLs, so I thought why not make a bookmarklet to make linking to those URLs simple? So I quickly hacked this together

javascript:(function(){var a=document.createElement("script");a.setAttribute("src","");if(typeof jQuery=="undefined"){document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(a)}(function(){if(typeof jQuery=="undefined"){setTimeout(arguments.callee,100)}else{jQuery("*").one("click",function(d){jQuery(this)[0].scrollIntoView();for(var e="",c=jQuery(this)[0];c&amp;&amp;c.nodeType==1;c=c.parentNode){var b=jQuery(c.parentNode).children(c.tagName).index(c)+1;b>1?(b="["+b+"]"):(b="");e="/"+c.tagName.toLowerCase()+b+e}window.location.hash="#xpath:"+e;d.preventDefault();d.stopPropagation();jQuery("*").unbind("click",arguments.callee)})}})()})();

(Just drag it over to your bookmarks bar as with any other bookmarklet). To use, just click on the bookmark, and click on the element you want to link to. You should see the URL will update with a xpath hash showing you the copy-pastable link to that element. The code is quite simple and should work on Firefox, Chrome and all the other browsers (maybe even IE) but the ability to auto-scroll and actually use the links is only available to Firefox and potentially Opera and Chrome.

And I’m working on a Chrome Extension for the original userscript (which should work with Chrome’s userscript support, but I’m going to try packaging it as a chrome extension file) But sadly chromium for linux isnt up to speed especially with extension development.

The source can be found

Update: _Fixed the link for the path and added some stuff. Update 2_: Fixed bookmarklet, now scrolls to clicked, executes only once, prevents default