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I’ve decided to rework the tweening system. The entire animation system.

I designed it so any frame is editable. When you edit it, it becomes a keyframe automatically, and then everything magically tweens itself. Now it gets complex. What happens whne you edit a tween? How does that work?

Well, first of all, this is how the diff-system works. It gets two frames and compares every element, attribute by attribute for any differences. Any differences means its not the same thing, and it becomes a keyframe. Then during the tweening process, all those inbetween frames (tweens) are flagged a tween. When flagged a tween, the diff system just ignores them and jumps to the keyframe before them. So what if you edit a tween? Once the tween is recalculated, your changes are lost *forever*. So how do I fix this? I don’t know. I may have to make it so the frame is masked and blocks user-interaction, put a little warning up saying “omg! this is a tween!” or something.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

6 Responses

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  1. RAMIWEB says

    I’m very interested in your work, it is truly amazing what you can do these days on the web.

    I’m not sure if you guys are open for new ideas, kind of adjusting what you already have made with the onlypaths project to fit the printing industry..

    See I’ve been going crazy trying to find a graphic editing tool to work online to utilize on my printing websites.

    I’m developing a shoppingcart system that sells printing products like business cards, postcards, etc…
    One thing that I’m falling behind on if I want to compete with todays Online Printing websites like or
    I need to have an online graphic editing tool and what captured me about your project is that you guys have the tool but you are utilizing it for anamation like Flash instead of Photoshop.

    My question is:
    Is it possible to take SVG output generated by onlypaths and render it into a PDF, or a JPG.

    If so, will you guys be interested in working on the project to get onlypaths to fit what I’ve described.

    I’ll be willing to fund the project, I know that this is not what you intended to do when you started this project but I can assure you that if you do so It will make you the 1st in the industry to offer such a tool.

    I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you “Admin” and josep_ssv.

    Great work guys, I really think you are creating something that Is going to be the next big thing on the web.


    PS” Please copy and paste this url

    Take a look at the designer, play around with it, I’m sure you will find it useful.

  2. admin says

    Before, i had this client-side way (doesn’t work in ie) to convert SVG->WHATWG Canvas->JPG/PNG. There’s also this program (in PHP, so it may not be of use to you) VectorConverter, that does the same.

  3. admin says

    I’m sure I can do something like that.

  4. RAMIWEB says

    Can you give me your contact information to discuss how we can get started on this project.

    Please provide me with your email or phone#.


  5. admin says

    you can email me at

  6. josep_ssv says

    You have seen the investment in Yahoo Piknick?

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