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Color Tweening

Well, I added josep_ssv’s color tweening system. I modified it a bit, but it should work fine.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

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5 Responses

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  1. josep_ssv says

    Admin: OnlyPaths could use the format AjaxAnimator
    OPF to AAF or AOF?
    It is useful for the use of layers
    Also AjaxAnimator Player and OnlyPaths Viewer be the same?

  2. admin says

    Ajax animator’s format is a more detailed version of opf
    and the player is based on onlypaths view

  3. admin says

    and onlypaths is for drawing, and ajaxanimator is for animations
    Onlypaths is for drawing, doesn’t need Tweens, keyframes, etc

  4. josep_ssv says

    I understand

    - OnlyPaths can use layers. That format is already defined in AAF. It would be logical not vary greatly

    - AjaxAnimator Player, you can display pictures without movement. It can also be a viewer of drawings OnlyPaths. In practice

  5. josep_ssv says

    The implementation: that by clicking on a still picture starts an animation

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