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9 Responses

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  1. lrbabe says

    How can you use our google id ? However, OpenId is open… so it should be the way to go I guess

  2. admin says

    Its more than likely that the next version will be hosted at Google App Engine, which allows you to login with google’s system.

  3. Kemeros says

    Google would be perfect i think.

  4. admin says

    Ok. How about both?

  5. Kemeros says

    Would that be practical?

  6. admin says

    I don’t know. One problem is that OpenID isn’t too common, so not enough people know about it. Giving out your Google account credentials may seem scary to some people.

  7. brwainer says

    I don’t like the openid approach. First off, the only one I have is from AOL/AIM, and secondly, it doesn’t even work! I know this is AOL’s fault, but the technology seems to be better on paper than in practice. It would be cool If I could use my gmail/google info to log in, though, but I think a custom system would be more preferable.

  8. admin says


  9. gosox5555 says

    Both are good. I like Google, but OpenID is good 2. Blogger, by Google, uses both.

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