I was experiementing with using another framework for Vector editing. So I used the relatively new Raphael framework. I wanted to use dojo.gfx, but I still don’t know how to use it without the dojo dependency. Raphael is not as powerful as dojo.gfx, or even OnlyPaths… so, it needs work.
It has many of the features in OnlyPaths, but it keeps the core showTracker() and such functions in the main script, not in the renderer. That allows the system to be simpler, and more easily cross-platform.
I’m not currently using cross-platform event handling. so it only works in Firefox for now, but converting is easy.
Great ! I’m still wondering what is the purpose of this experiment for you ? Is it gonna replace onlyPaths in your app one day ?
OnlyPaths is very powerful, but it’s quite buggy. and there are some design flaws of OnlyPaths (inherent from RichDraw). The biggest being the fact most actions are done in the renderer, including the user-interactions. and it shouldn’t be that way, you end up doing the same thing over and over again, so the final product is glitchy and inconsistant.
It’s not going to replace onlypaths. And I did it basically because I’ve been interested in such, because OnlyPaths is overly-complicated.