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Google Chrome OS

The idea of a Web Browser as the OS is nothing new, and most people know it. As for current things, they’re basically very restricted normal operating systems. Google wouldn’t do something like that without tons of innovation and killer features.

I’ve been watching some google techtalks in the past few days, and I think it was interesting how the one on Wuala (a distributed filesystem) was started with the google guy saying “this talk is being recorded so please refrain from mentioning any google sensitive information in your questions”. While it may be referring to the Google File System, I don’t think it’s too similar to Wuala. So I think the idea of cloud storage distributed among peers is an attractive idea since what would you actually use the hard disk which most netbooks do have, and keeping all your data locally doesn’t really contribute to the whole idea to cloud computing.

Posted in Chrome Extensions, Cloud Save.

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4 Responses

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  1. detoxdiet says

    Chrome OS would be very competitive on Microsoft operating systems. I was thinking that one day, Google would launch an Operating system that would complete with Windows XP or Vista. Google and Microsoft would compete head to head now that Microsft launched its Bing search engine.

  2. admin says

    I was thinking that Google would make an OS back in 2007.

  3. Jenny Lee says

    Chrome OS is based on Linux and is only available for Netbooks. I wonder if Google would make an OS that would compete with Windows XP or Windows 7.

  4. admin says

    An OS’s apparent quality isn’t determined by it’s speed, but it’s applications. That’s how it’s impossible to compete with Windows XP or 7. The primary issue with Windows Vista adoption was that it didn’t support their beloved insecure applications hacked together in the late ’90s. There’s no way Chrome OS can support them, and inherently can’t compete.

    Mac competes by going for a different sector, a luxury group which has no need for those crappily hacked together ancient apps.

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