Since the project started almost 3 years ago, the color scheme had been Red fill, Black stroke, and a stroke width of 1px. Is it time to change?
One idea is White for the fill, Black for stroke (same), and a 5px line instead. This makes lines more easily manipulated, but it tends to make rectangles large (and the canvas is small). The normal Black/Red/1px is the same used by Flash (as far as I know), and numerous other editing tools (including svg-edit).
So what do you think?
It should look like Flash or to Inkscape.
The rectangles shown in black
1px Line
Hey I know this has nothing do to but can you send a Google wave invite to Please- I read your blog every day!
Yo tambien quiero otra invitación para Google Wave!!
Admin: Ajaxanimator Player: Fantastico!!!!!
Tu podrias escribir para que AjaxAnimator Player mostrase solo un frame.
Por ejemplo: show(Frame15)
¿Donde está el Viewer?
I invited you, it will take a while for you to get the invite though, google is slow to hand them out.
where is the viewer ?