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Word Association Net

Word Association is a nice little game where you associate the word above yours to some other word. I felt like making it a sort of net where any part could connect to any other and associate a word from any point to another point.

Based on the Raphael Graffle Demo

I think it would be an interesting collaborative gadget on Google Wave but I have no idea how to implement it (well I sorta do but I dont know what’s the best way).

You can double-click on any element to associate something to it, if you type the same thing as another element, it links from each other.

Posted in Google Wave.

10 Responses

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  1. josep_ssv says

    Precioso Admin!!
    Me ha gustado mucho
    Mi tema inicial el mapa con el último, la música. Me has tocado
    Voy a dejar colgado a Onlypaths

    Flash es un gran oponente

    PD: invitacion para Goole Wave?

  2. Anonymous says

    Es muy bonito y útil.
    Las cosas importantes empiezan con algo sencillo

  3. admin says

    I sent you an invite to Google Wave, but it takes a few weeks to deliver.

  4. Anonymous says

    Thank. Wait
    OPF or AAF to Raphaeljs and backwards.
    Is it possible and useful?
    I will work one hours

  5. josep_ssv saysón~aire,imaginación~libertad,imaginación~Viento ,imaginación~Nubes,imaginación~sueño,sueño~o pesadolla,aire~Viento,Viento ~Viento,Nubes~Naturaleza,aire~Naturaleza,Viento ~Naturaleza,o pesadolla~Naturaleza,libertad~Naturaleza,imaginación~Naturaleza_____imaginación:449:280,aire:609:265,libertad:648:327,Viento :648:237,Nubes:658:227,sueño:642:307,o pesadolla:709:307,Viento:653:251,Naturaleza:904:288

  6. josep_ssv says

    How is the gadget?

  7. josep_ssv says

    ops; Where the gadget
    Mi inglés es fatal. No voveré a usarlo

  8. Sam Katz says


    In Firefox, the gadget works fine. In Safari, it doesn’t work right. Is there a way to delete a word? You are a very good programmer. Keep up the good work! also, it should work collaboratively already if I understand correctly.


  9. admin says

    Yeash, now it also works as a Google Wave extension so you can collaborate in real time. There isn’t yet a way to delete words.

    What version of safari are you using?

  10. ghostdog21 says

    Oh man this gadget could rescue me, if there would be a way to delete and edit nodes.
    Please add it.
    Then I can colaborate in an easy way and not the hard one via attachments like known from

    Regards ghostdog21

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