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Chrome Extension: Desktop Search

Tango icons are purty

I felt like making some chrome extensions recently. so this is a almost totally useless one, since it uses the experimental APIs. Basically, since the new versions of chrome let you have content scripts that act off file:/// urls, you can make a script that indexes the local files and store it to a searchable index, as I have done. Plus, there’s a new omnibox api, so you can use that to search too.

Probably won’t work for anyone. but anyway, feel free to fork it on github.

Posted in Desktop Search.

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2 Responses

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  1. chrome story says

    sounds like a great idea ……. waiting to hear more !!

  2. gpeasy says

    I agree. . . it sounds like a great idea. Hate having to leave the browser to go find a file.

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