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Ajax Animator on Chrome Web Store

So now that the chrome web store has launched, it’s there. You can use it offline and it stores progress with localStorage.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

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5 Responses

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  1. Cameron says

    Go on msn I need to talk to you about nerdy stuff!

  2. abdou says

    i want to dowling the ajax animator

  3. Jason Burnett says

    I have downloaded your Ajax Animator no less than a dozen times under various versions of Windows, using versions of Chrome and none of them have ever worked. Just thought you should know.

  4. Anonymous says

    why does it not work?

  5. SVG fun says

    Not working? Let me see… I can draw a textshape, I can move it around, I can watch it moving. I can pause it. Export to animated GIF not working, SMIL not implemented yet…

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