I’m really not that interesting. This blog is just a place where I talk about random ideas or projects like just about everyone else.
I’ve never really been into talking about myself, rather just the stuff I do or think. I may be somewhat paranoid, or whatever. I think I’m an INTP but I’m not too certain (could my subconscious be deceiving me?).
If you’re more interested on the history of this blog, well, it started a long time ago. I started with phpfusion as my CMS (and 110mb as my host) back in late May 2007, and switched to WordPress and phpBB in mid-2008. Later the year, I got a new web host, GoDaddy, but the blog didn’t migrate there. Just a few days later I switched from phpBB to BBPress. From then to Mid-July 2009, I upgraded to WordPress 2.8 and migrated to a new host.
This blog initially was for the sole purpose of hosting changelogs for the Ajax Animator project (which itself began sometime before March of 2007).
Before this blog, I had several sites starting with a simple Google Page Creator one from 2005. After that I made a Jupiter CMS powered site and later used Joomla after experimenting with Drupal. After moving to 110mb, I used phpfusion because people on the forums seem to like it. Now I’m on wordpress (and repeating whatever I wrote 2 paragraphs above)!
This about page is pretty much the way it was in 2008, and it’s kind of weird to think that that was over half a decade ago.
If you want to contact me, my email’s antimatter15@gmail.com I’d really appreciate it if nobody sent spambots after me. You can follow me on Twitter at @antimatter15 or on Google+.
Looks cool, keep up the good work,
damn dude you is 14 thats fuckin sweet dude cant believe at 14 you no how to do so much. nice dude keep doin it.
You’re 14…
And I still can’t code the most basic shit in Javascript
I would love to talk to you about developing a simple vector art gadet for me. Please drop me an email when you get a chance.
I have been reading your blog for quite a while now and everything you make is amazing. When I first saw ajax animator i was in awe of how amazing it is. I noticed you have a wave account and was wondering if you you could invite me to it?
Hehe, isn’t it funny when someone showers you with compliments and then ask for a wave invite?
You’re 14! So you started you were 10?? wow… keep it up!
possible addon conflict on wikify.antimatter15.com
Edit any website and share changes.
Redirect Remover
The addon cleans links. And it doesn’t seem to like the button. I wasn’t able to create an exception that works on wikify.antimatter15.com
contact form suggestion
Why not put a contact form link on wikify.antimatter15.com ? Feedback is good for you and it’s free too.
Title suggestion
Why not put something like “ProjectWikify” – in the title so it’s:
ProjectWikify – Edit any website and share changes.
Privacy suggestion
Don’t say “I’m a 14 year old” – there’s no reason to give your age on the net. You could say “I’m a teenager.”
You’re a clever kid – there’s no doubt about that. Just, trust me on this. I’ve been around a lot longer than you have. If you do take my suggestion – of course scrub out your age all over the site.
And finally – kudos to you.
Thank you for the suggestions and concern about my privacy, I will look into resolving the plugin conflicts, adding a contact form and change the title. I’m glad that you’re concerned with my privacy but I don’t believe that mentioning my age will provide enough information to make me identifiable enough to be personally identified. I’m always worried about my privacy, and have taken steps to prevent too much information leakage. However, it would still be far too late as a lot of people who have read my blog, including some people who’ve blogged about my blog, and the internet archive already holds the information.
Very good work with Ajax Animator
i wanted to say this before read this post and now i’m very impressive , good luck with yours hobbies and life
keep the good way
I’ve got some feedback concerning the wave vector editor gadget that I wanted to get to you quickly. If you could contact me via email asap, that would be terrific.
Hey Antimatter15 this is Bob Hoil from the old maverickforce forum. I was wondering if you could get in contact with some of the old guys somehow since that forum is now down. Or if you know of a way I could purchase maverickforce.com domain name.
Hello genius. I’ve just found your website and I would like to contact you, but I’ve not been able to find any other contact method than this. Please, could you write me an e-mail? I would like to talk about web development projects, but I don’t really want to leave more data here.
Been disecting your project jsvectoreditor to use on one of my projects. That thing is mind boggling. Much respect!
If you need help feel free to email me. I would also be interested to see what you make out of it
you’re fifteen
i salut you
hey,i came here for your drag2up, you’re just 15.wow,you really did amazing job ~
Will you become antimatter16 when you are 16?
That’s actually pretty interesting, because the name antimatter15 was something I picked in around third grade because antimatter16 was already taken on AIM.
Where do you live? Do you want a job?
You are awesome.
Eh, leave ‘im alone. Some of us start early. heh.
It’s good to see more young people take keen interest in technical topics, such as programming — and it’s far easier to do these days. When I was in third grade, I was already learning programming on the 8-bit systems of that time, but that geekiness made me into quite the outcast. These days, the Internet is so ubiquitous that it’s not such a big deal.
Sweet. Another young person (I’m 14).
You’re about to get a run for your money in the lightweight JavaScript library scene. You do have me owned in terms of size (I’m around 24KB uncompressed), but I bet mine is more pleasant to use….
You made a ‘repeat’ extension for google chrome and someone said it stopped after a few loops. I modified it; this won’t work with html5 but that uses up too much cpu now and it shouldn’t be exceedingly difficult to add that anyway…chrome_youtube_repeatAs other’s have said, thanks and good job
You were online in 3rd grade? I’m a bit jealous! When you become a famous hacker, can I do your biography?
o.O I’m only partially kidding.
Wow I’m back to comment. Just saw the INTP and want to comment that I’m actually ENTP.
Also I can actually do stuff now. Now I just need a good idea. xD
Also, 1% Extroverted. So take it as you will.
So what is your age now and are you there on any of the social networks?
Люди, подскажите надежного проверенного мага, который наверняка поможет вернуть любимого человека!
Пыталась обращаться за помощью и через интернет и через газету, но то кидалово, то развод!
Жаль, так нужна помощь!
Откликнитесь! Или напишите в личку!

Osup ;D
Only ~3% of us in the world.
Put the S’s and J’s in their place.
The world belongs to the NP!
An NP is more mature than an SJ!
That guy who spent a whole summer of his perfecting his MBTI skilz;
also an INTP
Can you make a friend?
Your website is very good
I am a Chinese
My English is not very good
I was 17 years old,too
You have qq or msn?
My QQ is 1358459281
Sincerely for communication
How’s the project now in 2012 almost 2013?
Keep up the good work. Hey, why do you keep your name secret? I know it… but still. Just wondering.
Also, you’re attractive.
i need this type of placement could you do this?
1. We will provide php file with plugin source code
2. Webmaster will need to FTP to root folder of blog, then open folder wp-content/plugins
3. Webmaster will need to create folder ‘footerlinks’, then enter that folder and upload php file that we provided
4. Webmaster will need to log into blog admin area, click ‘Plugins’ in left menu, click ‘Installed’ in submenu, find plugin named ‘Footer Links’ and click ‘activate’ link
5. After that links will appear at the bottom of the blog like here http://www.momecentric.com/2006/walker-is-an-extrovert
see our links in footer.Very simple work just 1,2 minut only,Our links show on your old ABOUT PAGE.
i can give you $175 for uploading our php file for 1 year time period only.
Let me know are you agree if you agree then send me paypal id please.
Waiting for your Answer
Gold B