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Edit: Well, I’m going to show you some screenshots. Sure, most of it is the same, but this is on a *very* early build, now it’s at almost build 500, so understandably, there are some inconsistancies. Ideally this page would be updated/replaced later.
Here’s the whole app.

Main Screen

Main Screen

Playing around with the tools and rotation

Playing around with the tools and rotation

The About Dialog

The About Dialog

The toolbox.

The toolbox.

Right Panel with History, Clipboard and Misc

Right Panel with History, Clipboard and Misc

The Login and Register tab

The Login and Register tab

The animation browser, but in a different theme

The animation browser, but in a different theme

3 Responses

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  1. steveHtml says

    WOW ! Would love to play around w/ Flash ( so much animation on the web , be a fun toy on the disk ) been looking for alternatives , This looks Fantastic ! Again,
    WOW ! & Thanks for your Work & Effort , some of the greatest software I’ve ever seen has been Opensource , etc. This is nice ! ThankYou !

  2. Anonymous says

    you are absouloutly fucking amazing …..
    its brilliant but has alot of bugs .. but that is understandable .. it easily tramples everything else on the web thats free

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