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Minor Updates

Now, i’m still trying to figure what to do, and now my strategy is simply polishing it. My stragegy is basically getting every feature that a normal user can get to in 2 clicks or less to work. Its somewhat close. I added some “feature(s) not available” message boxes, and made some parts a bit more serious.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

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Color Tweening

Well, I added josep_ssv’s color tweening system. I modified it a bit, but it should work fine.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

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Flash Export

Okay, i’ve done it. You can now export to flash. But the problem now is that I’m still using the uber limited freemovie library, which is both outdated and incapable of anything besides the rectangles and lines.

For now, I haven’t installed the server files yet so it wont work until I do, but by the time you read this, I may have already done it.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

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Export to Animated GIF

here’s an important feature, you can now fully export your animations to raster animated gifs. Its easy, and suprisingly good.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

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Export to Silverlight

You can export your animations to silverlight, almost flawlessly (though i’m on a linux box so I never tested them, they’re hopefully close to the Silverlight 1.0 specs).

The only problem, is that I have no idea how to put an animation in silverlight. Right now, it’ll squish every frame’s data together. into a merged display of every frame.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

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Exporting to Processing

I’m working on the ability to export animations into various formats. Its close to usable at exporting to the Processing language. I’ve only tested running the output in John Resig’s Processing.js implementation so far. The output is very crude.

I will owrk on Flash and Silverlight export soon.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

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Standalone Animation Player

I’ve created an animation player. It works with all ajax animator animations, and when compressed is a mere 3kb (which I believe is lower than OnlyPath Viewer).

It is built using the very same sources of the Ajax Animator, the whole purpose of all those *_core.js files. It uses the files
Ext.ux.clone.js, op_view.js, svgrenderer_mini.js, vmlrenderer_mini.js, wrapper_core.js, view_wrapper.js, and tween_core.js.

svgrenderer_mini.js when compressed is just over 1.1kb and same is for vmlrenderer_mini.js

I’m on my linux development environment now, so I haven’t tested it in IE, but it will 100% fail, as the rendering engines is not detected and it uses SVGRenderer always.

See it in action here:

Posted in Ajax Animator.

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Timeline Tooltips + Previews

It now automagically previews the contents of frames. I was lazy, and as a possibly useful bug, it shows the contents of all the layers combined (so hovering over frame 8 of layer 1 shows all the shapes in layer 1, layer 2, and etc.)

Its also a bit faster and I fixed some bugs

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Update To WordPress 2.6

I updated wordpress!

Posted in Meta.

Fixed Toolbox Icon/Added Timeline Tooltip

I added the timeline tooltip again, so it details the number of shapes on any given frame easily through a mouse-over. I greatly reduced the number of event listeners added by using more event bubbling. It now distinguishes between Preview and Canvas Mode (previously known as Draw Mode) in the Animation menu.

Posted in Ajax Animator.