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XHTML Strict

The application is now valid XHTML Strict! YAY!!

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Changed Toolbox Icons

the toolbox icons are now radically different. rather than being loaded from <img> tags inside the webpage, it is defined from inside CSS. It probably makes it better since it makes it so all graphics can be loaded from any server. There is now a new toolbox.css file.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Relocated Icons

Previously, i combined the folders for the silk companion icons and the actual silk icons. now i’m seperating them into silk and silk2.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Insert Frame

New feature: Insert frame. you can insert a frame into the timeline at any given point and the keyframes and tweens after the point will automatically be pushed back. it takes 3 parameters, all are optional (if empty, defaults to the selected ones, or for count, defaults to one), frame, layer and count.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Build 150

you can configure the app (to some extent) via url parameters. to stop onlypaths from initializing on page-load just use ?draw=false soon, you can do ?draw=defer to make it load later.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Timeline Context Menu

I added the timeline context menu again. Right click on any frame (or anywhere on the timeline for the matter) and you can select To Keyframe or add a layer.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

New Beta URL

The new one is here:

as you can see, i took out the ajaxanimator.htm part. So its easier to type. when it’s finished, hopefully i’ll make the url /ajaxanimator/build (wow! soo short! at least compared to /Animator/html/compressedFullIndex.htm).

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Auto-Expanding Timeline

the timeline now expands when cursor is approaching maximum

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Images/Text Again

Okay, so now text works, and so do images. There is no properties system yet, so currently you can only use the default options for those.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Switching Editors

I’m now trying out Komodo Edit versus what I normally use (Notepad++) because of a weird bug (maybe… it may just be my messed up computer). Well, I just decided that maybe a more professional editor would have nice features over a simple editor. I have to say I’m quite pleased.

Posted in Uncategorized.

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