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The timeline works on IE now with some changes to how it generates the table.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Timeline + New OnlyPaths

I’ve updated the OnlyPaths version (to the latest one) so there may be some compatability issues, but it is still overall better (more stable, btw). A very awesome new feature: the timeline. Well, the timeline is already there but I added a very important part: the selection model. Its brilliant becasue now, i dont have to manage 3*2=6 states (blank, keyframe, tween and selected for all), but rather, only 3+1 states (blank, keyframe, tween, and a semitransparent selection mask) and a selection cursor. It makes the code much more elegant, as you have one little semitransparent cursor that masks the selected frame. Its also faster as you don’t have to unselect the past frame, look up the type of the old one, set that, look up the current one, set the new one, etc.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Javascript Distributed Computing + Google App Engine

Okay, so I’ve ported my distributed computing project over to GAE/Python with tons of new features, the hashes are no longer hard-coded, things are loaded from a queue. It murders caches so Opera and Safari work. You can submit a new hash to process, view the current queue and “bury” (send to the lowest priority) items you don’t like (or just take too long). And because its Google, you know its quite fast. The MD5 script is now 1/3 of the original size and the main script is 100 bytes smaller (in other words, 20%).

Try it out here:
Source at:


Posted in Javascript Distributed Computing.

Ax2 Screenshots (Build 137)

I’ve pulled together some screenshots of the current version. I have to say I’m quite pleased with it.

BTW. I’m running Firefox 3 RC2 now (I used to use the nightlies)

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Testing ScribeFire

Yay!!! I got a new blog editor!

Posted in Meta.


Polygons and Text now work.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Dump/Load Shapes API

I basically ported the JSONRDF format over to the ajax animator. The code is much condensed.

To dump the canvas, try Ax.dumpshapes(“json”). to load it, use Ax.loadShapes(insertjsonstringhere). Ax.dumpshapes(“array”) returns an array that can also be loaded by Ax.loadShapes.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Resize Grid, Improved Select, Delete Selection/Clear All

You can now resize the grid through the same GUI as the line width: A simple slider. Now when you select a shape, the draw-panel adjusts itself accordingly to the colors and other values. When you leave select mode, it automatically unselects the space. Special tools like Delete Selection and Clear All now work.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

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New loading screen + HTML Strict Doctype

The application is now HTML (I just added a doctype) and I changed the loading screen almost completely stolen from the Ext Samples page. (HTML Strict sort of broke the other one). I think one day, it’ll be XHTML. but now it’s just HTML Strict. Now it’s more descriptive. Saying “Loading UI…” and “Initializing…” rather than a simple “loading”. Its one of the ways to make it feel to load faster.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

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Status: Fixing the compiler problem

I’ve located part of the problem. If I remove the reference to VMLRenderer.js, it suddenly starts working again. But how do I include it and get it to work still. I’m investigating.


Build 117 fixes the problem completely. it was simply because of mis-arrangement of the files. It was originally.

  <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/drawing/onlypaths.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/drawing/wrapper.js"></script> 
  <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/drawing/svgrenderer.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/drawing/vmlrenderer.js"></script>

for some reason, this messed up the compilier. I changed it to.

  <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/drawing/onlypaths.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/drawing/svgrenderer.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/drawing/vmlrenderer.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/drawing/wrapper.js"></script>

and now it works fine :)

Posted in Ajax Animator, OnlyPaths.

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