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For some reason, the application works when i’m on my development server. but it fails after I compile it! So, it runs, but it doesn’t work after I compiled it. I’m stupid enough to not test it even once!

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Random Update

I changed the link into a giant (super huge) button

Posted in Ajax Animator.

IE Support

I’ve gotten IE to work. Building off what I did to get Opera to work. (BTW. Safari is just like firefox, so no real problems there)


It really wasn’t as hard as one might imagine. I created a browser sniffing thing to use VMLRenderer for IE and SVGRenderer for everything else. I tested it out. IE worked fine…. except one small thing. The shapes appeared 200px away from where I drew them! Oh Noes! After some experimentation, i discovered that it only works when the canvas is absolutely positioned. But when I do that, my awesome centering doesn’t work! So, i made some more browser-sniffing code to detect if it’s IE and set positioning to absolute, and make left: 5% so it’s not too terribly off-center.

Also, I got rid of some globals, and the canvas size is no longer hard-coded.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Opera 9.25 Support

If you have Opera 9.5 it already should work. But Opera 2.5 (the current stable version) had issues. The createUUID function uses the function. This comes native in Opera 9.5 and Firefox, but not in Opera 9.25. After figuring that out, I made a version of the function that didn’t use Now it’s fine.

It still renders the shapes a bit awkward (again, 9.5 is fine).


…Now to get killed by IE :)

Posted in Ajax Animator.

(Almost) Full Toolbox Integration

i have almost fully integrated  the ajax animator toolbox with onlypaths. In the last post, i talked (briefly) about how i integrated the color management system. The rest was just as easy. For simple reasons, i rewrote the user statistics section of the toolbox (it took up too much room and used a switch(), so i replaced it with matching with an associative array, which is evidentally much more elegant). I also replaced the evil evals with friendlier parseFloats.

There were tons of things that I fixed that may improve speed (ever so slightly). For some reason the application relied highly on the xyinput div. So many DOM operations obviously isn’t too good when you could store all of this in a simple variable. This was a relatively minor problem.

This solved almost everything. you could switch tools, draw squares, rectangles, ellipses, circles, paths, etc. But Select failed miserably.

Still, there was a problem with the select box, so i made a quick hack. SVGRenderer apparently does direct dom operations to the page. Eventually, i’ll have to track down every one of those dom operations and replace them with something scripted. But i decided to copy over the html from onlypaths html and put it inside a ext windows object. Show it, and hide it. That’s why after you press "enable onlypaths" you may see a little box pop up and vanish  almost instantly. Now select almost works. it kept nagging about no document.forms[0].code. So I commented out all those lines.

I implemented a select() function to the tools. so I can dynamically select them. It used to be a sort of read-only system with the tools. The user could input to the toolbox, and that’d alter the display and change the tool (for onlypaths). but you couldn’t script it to change the display. So, now it by default automatically selects the Rectangle tool when you press the magical link.

I actually don’t know why I made the whole enable onlypaths thing sort of opt-in. I guess it is because its currently the least-stable part of the application. So, this prevents the app from crashing on startup (hopefully).

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Partial Toolbox Integration

The colors (fill and line) and linewidth are integrated into onlypaths.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Ajax Animator/OnlyPaths Integration

First of all, i don’t have a preference, Ajaxanimator, AjaxAnimator, or ajaxanimator or Ajax Animator.

Today marks a milestone release. Where OnlyPaths (the revolutionary new graphical editor for the new Ajax Animator 0.2 releases) is integrated into the product. I don’t need to go in depth to explain why the ability to actually draw is important to animation software (hmm…).

But because the overall application is so closely linked to the drawing application, this really enables the rest of the application to be developed.

Currently, it is very limited. Press a small link and draw random rectangles. That’s it. The tools have not yet been linked.

OnlyPaths is quite big. It is powerful as well. but it is very big. That’s why Prototype had to be eliminated. It was quite big (~120kb), but OnlyPaths is bigger, OnlyPaths itself is 36+90+66=192kb. Richdraw was 10+9+7+120=146kb, without prototype, RichDraw would be a mere 26kb. Not to mention, that Ext 2.1 is bigger that Ext 1.1 (meanwhile bringing more features, etc.).

josep_ssv’s mondrian style color picker will be integrated (in a later version). I think it would fit nicely into the accordian right-panel as a sort of advanced color picker tool.

Meanwhile, I sort of copied the flash UI with the addition to the “hide timeline” button. BTW. a shortcut for that button (which doesn’t yet work) is to doubleclick the fine outline between the canvas and the outline.

Posted in Ajax Animator, OnlyPaths.

Ext Port of OnlyPaths Simply Web 0.0.12

I’ve been having troubles with porting the current version (0.0.13), but I’ve sucessfully ported most of 0.0.12. I don’t know if I ported the keyboard shortcuts yet, so they may or may not work.

It is very very unstable and needs lots of work.

download source at:


live demo:

Posted in Ajax Animator, OnlyPaths.

Build 102

You see a nice little UI for where where the drawing canvas will look like. It is basically a clone of the Flash UI, but I like it :P.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Build 101

Today, i just added a new theme. "Orange"

Posted in Ajax Animator.