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Export as Animated GIF

Export as Animated GIF might be a feature soon because of the PHP library known as VectorConverter []

Posted in Ajax Animator, Animated GIF Encoder, Multimedia Codecs.

Safari 3 Full Compatability

As in there was a bug where though I claimed support for Safari 3, it wouldn’t work. Well that (as outlined in detail) because I had done some extreme compression on the prototype library, which I never tested (couldn’t) on a Safari 3 installation.

It has now been fixed.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Bye Bye Pop-Ups!

I’ve decided to remove the pop-up ads, due to how *nobody* likes them. I’ll expect my adsense to take a rather steep dive soon (it wasn’t all that great anyway, like 50 cents a day) but I don’t want to be a hippocrite and value money over customer satisfaction (that sounds awefully clichéd).

Posted in Ajax Animator.


Ajax Animator will be able to support polylines probably by 0.17 (0.16 is just a UI revamp)

All the client-code necessary for polylines are now fully functional because of the brilliant work of josep_ssv. The server-side generation system still has to be implemented (along with the tweening engine, which shoudnt be that hard since all necesssary is looping thorugh the values and applying a transformation)

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Ext 2.01 Update in Progress

I have this other project i’m working on (not flash related) now. But once i’m finished up with the Ext 2.01 update….

anyways, the ext 2 update is going through some problems, mainly, i the color picker is weird with the stable Ext 2. And i’m not exactly sure how to get history panel working again

so this project is still alive

Posted in Ajax Animator.

What new features do you want?

What features would you like? (Post Comment)

Would you like the interface to be rearranged? Different Help/Tutorial API? More User-Oriented system? Animation Grading system? More information in flash files? etc?

Posted in Ajax Animator.

IE Support Progress

For the billionth time, i decided to try getting IE to work.

First I patched svgrenderer.js to be more IE friendly (setAttribute instead of setAttributeNS)

Then I opened up from

first of all, i needed to convert that to javascript that is supported by firefox (it’s hopeless developing for IE), after running a few regexps to the source code, it worked. I could dynamically convert SVG to VML. I tested it on ajax animator with a simple convert($(“richdraw1″).firstChild).innerHTML

since it’s easier to build off a simpler (very very much) smaller codebase for a proof-of-concept, i used richdraw demo app. Since the code for richdraw hasn’t been updated much, and remains implementation-independant, not requiring any other components. i loaded the script, and ran the script. I could draw on the canvas (blindly), but i could in fact draw. to check, i pressed the view-source button, and there it was: SVG code.

the drawback of this method, even if you include the SVG to VML converter, is that you will never be able to select, delete, or move drawn objects

of course, this really means nothing. I need a SVG to VML AND a SVG to VML converter.

Anyways 0.16.x releases are just supposed to be Ext 2.0 releases, not IE support releases. Maybe 0.17.x or 0.18.x, but hopefully by 0.20.0

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Desktop Flash IDE ForkSwif Released

This was a really small project of mine. It is (going to be) open source, but I’ll probably never work on it again. It has a much larger number of tools than Ajax animator. The editing will be much a relief, and so much better than rich draw. Sadly, it has no tweening, frame duplicating, effects, or any of the features in Ajax animator.

It is currently only for Windows with .net framework 2.0 installed, Mono/Wine is not tested (but Mono has to be used with wine, as it calls swfmill.exe (win32 binary) for flash generation.

About the name:Liveswif has been a great piece of software, probably the best (free) flash IDE ever. Sadly, it has been discontinued for since years ago. The community has been working on something called “OpenSwif” it was supposed to be the successor to the famed liveswif. The problems were, that liveswif was proprietary (freeware), so they had no codebase to begin on. Ajax Animator started out as something for the developers of OpenSwif to get inspiration off of, and just one of my random ideas. As of now, OpenSwif still has no released imagery/source/binaries; there is only one developer, and no signs of active development. I just decided one day, discovering some information to be mentioned in the next paragraph, that I could really do things a lot better than they were doing now. I, for once, actually utilized the wonders of open source, forking. As everyone on the OpenSwif team were acting as if OpenSwif was proprietary.

I, reading up on swfmill, discovered it had something called SVG import, meaning, it could read a svg file to convert into SWF. With this realization, I quickly searched VB.NET (my first programming language, btw, but I like JS more now) SVG Editor. Too much dismay, no VB.NET SVG editors existed, but I found one coded in C#. I made a TODO list that basically said: Make Timeline, Attach Timeline, Hack SVG Paint, and attach Swfmill. It was with much less work than I expected. Being a crappy c# coder, I made most of it in, and converted it to c# (using online tools). The timeline was pretty easy (20 lines of vb code), which fit easily on the SVGPaint layout. Then I hacked the saving mechanism to save automatically (without user interference), which was as simple as deleting all the references to message boxes (well, in docmanager.cs). I built a quick and dirty swfmill launcher program that generated the necessary markup. And sadly, it didn’t work. After a bit of experimentation, I discovered that you have to attach an ID to every svg element, which the program didn’t do. I just had to add “id=shape”+rand.Next(9999999).toString() somewhere and voila, I finished the flash ide. All in less than 50 lines of code. Now all I needed to do is to rebrand it (evilest, no…um… I mean easiest part).

In retrospect, I probably wrote more in this essay (article or whatever) than all the work I spent on the ForkSwif project.

Read more at:

What the heck is wrong with me and writing such long essays for random news topics?!?! I should spend this effort on homework…..

Posted in ForkSwif.

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Slower Development

Development has been slowed, because of the huge task i’m doing (upgrading to ext 2.0), and i’ve been interested in different projects. I have started development on a desktop flash IDE (much more drawing functionality-faster etc.) coded in C# (which i suck at). i also am working on a stop-motion animation studio (nothing much, just to test my skills, in VB.NET), and a filesystem mounting stystem (also VB.NET)

The desktop flash ide is somthing i’m hoping can be done in less than a day. Which for proprietary applications is impossible, but i’m demonstrating the micacle of open source, i’m building off of a built SVG engine (SVGPaint). So all i have to do, is to hack into it’s saving mechanism and save automatically to an automatically generated filename, and build an application that creates an xml file that links to all the SVGs (swfmill parses XML, and it supports importing SVG!) Making the XML should be as easy as appending a string from a for loop. and hacking the saving engine should be easy if i can pinpoint the code. After that is done, i’ll leave it to the community.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

I made a mistake

While developing on the linux platform, I managed to get Opera to be supported, since Safari doesn’t work on linux (or wine), and i was unable to compile webkit from svn, i wrongfully assumed that Safari would still work. I just tested it out on Safari 3 and it turns out it doesn’t work. The problem is all in prototype.superlite.js (my hacked together version of Prototype.js)

Posted in Ajax Animator.