Well, I think the site needs a makeover. I’m sick of the ugliness of php-fusion, so i’m gonna transfer it to some CMS I’ll make myself.
Posted in Meta.
By admin
– December 6, 2007
Okay, so one day i felt crazy and changed everything by 1 decimal place because i don’t want this to seem misleadingly good. I mean, if it hits a 1.0 release, then some people would think it’s almost as good as Flash 1 (futuresplash animator) which it it isn’t even near yet.
So it should be 1.5 but now it’s 0.15
Read more to find out the whole list, a summary of it would be axml2, UI polishing, save space, nicer code (but still hideous), css, users, tweening, finish partially completed ideas etc.
What’s done so far
- Redesigned Register UI
- Save Lots of code
- New Save/Open file format (around 5x faster, and 10 times smaller)
- Relocating stuff
- interactive tutorials
- Backwards Compat Mode
- for the first time it’s gonna be a legitimate GPLv2 project (I’m gonna include the gpl.txt file for once)
- replaced wz_tooltips with native ext.js ones
- Change save file to computer architecture
- change organization of Save/Open buttons in file menu (submenus)
- optimized stuff
- fixed bugs
- No more save/open window (now, single-purpose dialog alerts, much better)
- Progress bars
- User friendly upload error message (yay!)
- relocate css
- delete lot’s of stuff from user-management
- REAL SUPPORT FOR LINES/ELLIPSES, lines didn’t work for tweening, ellipses didn’t work for tweening or flash, and ALL suffered from a programming error causing line-widths to be messed up.
- FastMode
…and more to come
Posted in Ajax Animator.
Tagged with backwards compatibility, code, css, decimal, decrement, dialogs, ellipses, error messages, ExtJS, fast, file format, futuresplash, good, interactive tutorials, json, lines, misleading, more, optimization, place, progress bars, register, relocating, save, saving, smaller, tooltips, update.
By admin
– December 2, 2007
Posted in Ajax Animator.
Tagged with wat, what, whut.
By admin
– November 23, 2007
In a comming version, a new function, would be to have interactive tutorials, where friendly arrows tell you where to click, drag, etc.
Posted in Ajax Animator.
Tagged with design, discover, education, format, interactive, learn, learning, school, teaching, tutorials.
By admin
– November 23, 2007
I’m working on a better save/preview file format, even merging the save/preview formats into one.
it’s just a string seperated by “;;” before it, is a standard JSON Array. After, is the standard XML compiler stuff. the json has info like framerate,height,width,current frame, tweens, keyframes, animation length, comments?, rating?, size? etc.
the javascript save/load implementation is so far done.
Posted in Ajax Animator.
Tagged with array, ax, compiler, file, format, javascript, json, preview, save, xml.
By admin
– November 17, 2007
To Self: Fixed Timeline2.js to make keyframe stuph work
Posted in Ajax Animator.
Tagged with fixed, javascript, timeline.
By admin
– November 12, 2007
I’ve not been releasing anything for a while, for several reasons:
1. I’m converting everything to the Ext UI (from textareas, tables, etc. to Ext grids, form fields)
2. I’m completely rewriting the timeline. including a host of new features much for speed. (several TIMES faster) mainly becuase it generates only 300 frames per layer by default, instead of 500, but automatically adds new frames DYNAMICALLY when more is needed. But the rewrite is sorta unstable
3. Tons of UI upgrades. A short list of changes from the top of my head are, a new login stystem (lot’s of fading effects) My Animations; list, faster animation loading. The user animation browser is completely changed-with stuff like Rating animations and comments coming.
4. Sorta goes in UI upgrades, is a new loading splash screen. It has a progress bar, showing status. And CSS is dynamically added, and loads from either the local server, or google code’s subversion (faster).
5. Cross Domain Ajax. The current ajax implementation only allows you to generate flash animations if you are on a php server with all the libraries/files installed. And sometimes you go to it from a proxy or google code beta or something. If that happens, you will not have any access to creating flash animations. So, soon it will curcumvent this restriction, by using a script tag hack, to load the animations from the server. Though the current ajax implementation will still be used for larger animations. And i might revive animation compression for this purpose.
6. Upgrading to Ext 2.0, this is not really happening NOW, but is being actively thought of. It’s not really a “painless” upgrade, with lot’s of stuff to modify/rewrite.
7. Everything has two options. One is to load from subversion, or the local server. It’s better if you load it from subversion, if you are mirroring it, or if your server is slow. And in many cases it’s really fast, and automatically gzip encodes the stuff. Great isnt it? so it has an option of loading all* (okay, most…) images and CSS from google code.
8. And even more stuff……
Posted in Ajax Animator.
Tagged with animation browser, animations, automation, comments, cross domain, design, effects, efficiency, ext 2.0, ExtJS, progress bar, rating, rewrite, speed, splash screen, status, subversion, timeline, update, upgrade, user interface.
By admin
– October 22, 2007
All client side sha1/md5 hash cracking using a rainbow table type system. capable of cracking all lowercase alphanumberic hashes under 3 letters in length.
Posted in Javascript Distributed Computing.
Tagged with cracking, hash, javascript, md5, rainbow table, sha1.
By admin
– October 10, 2007
Well, i’m adding lot’s of new stuff (as always)
New things:
Improved UI (no seriously)
Now supports tweening of lines (should have been there since the start)
All code is loaded on init (no ajax unless needed)
Posted in Ajax Animator.
Tagged with ajax, frontend, lines, new, tweening, upgrade, user interface.
By admin
– October 1, 2007
Progress Report
I’ve not been releasing anything for a while, for several reasons:
1. I’m converting everything to the Ext UI (from textareas, tables, etc. to Ext grids, form fields)
2. I’m completely rewriting the timeline. including a host of new features much for speed. (several TIMES faster) mainly becuase it generates only 300 frames per layer by default, instead of 500, but automatically adds new frames DYNAMICALLY when more is needed. But the rewrite is sorta unstable
3. Tons of UI upgrades. A short list of changes from the top of my head are, a new login stystem (lot’s of fading effects) My Animations; list, faster animation loading. The user animation browser is completely changed-with stuff like Rating animations and comments coming.
4. Sorta goes in UI upgrades, is a new loading splash screen. It has a progress bar, showing status. And CSS is dynamically added, and loads from either the local server, or google code’s subversion (faster).
5. Cross Domain Ajax. The current ajax implementation only allows you to generate flash animations if you are on a php server with all the libraries/files installed. And sometimes you go to it from a proxy or google code beta or something. If that happens, you will not have any access to creating flash animations. So, soon it will curcumvent this restriction, by using a script tag hack, to load the animations from the server. Though the current ajax implementation will still be used for larger animations. And i might revive animation compression for this purpose.
6. Upgrading to Ext 2.0, this is not really happening NOW, but is being actively thought of. It’s not really a “painless” upgrade, with lot’s of stuff to modify/rewrite.
7. Everything has two options. One is to load from subversion, or the local server. It’s better if you load it from subversion, if you are mirroring it, or if your server is slow. And in many cases it’s really fast, and automatically gzip encodes the stuff. Great isnt it? so it has an option of loading all* (okay, most…) images and CSS from google code.
8. And even more stuff……
Posted in Ajax Animator.
Tagged with animation browser, animations, automation, comments, cross domain, design, effects, efficiency, ext 2.0, ExtJS, progress bar, rating, rewrite, speed, splash screen, status, subversion, timeline, update, upgrade, user interface.
No comments
By admin – October 22, 2007