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Today’s Updates II

As I mentioned earlier, more would happen today. I’ve just made an update. I updated the Update system to also compile (it doesn’t compress anything yet, it really doesn’t need to) CSS files. This should speed up the application a bit, and should also make it easier when updating some smaller things. As with that, it will also starting from build 83, create release archives of the CSS files. The compiler mechanism has changed a bit too, but that’s not really important.

The most visible additions, is the embedded Color Dialog. If you look at the title, you’ll find a Steve Jobs reference. Right below the huge drawing tools list (what? is it like 2 times that of the old version?) there is a Line Width slider (this is indirectly inspired by OnlyPath’s Mondrian-style color picker). it also embeds the Color Field plugin, so if you press the little button on the side, a little color palette shows up. Ideally, this will enhance user’s efficiency and be less confusing than the old one.

I don’t know if I can make a “Today’s Updates III” :P

[EDIT] BTW, the page is located at

Posted in Ajax Animator, OnlyPaths.

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