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Support for multiple layers!

you can now have multiple layers!!!!!

Layers basically let you have multiple things going on in an organized fashon. so you can have a layer named “background”, and another named “middleground” and one named “foreground” where you make the background, and never see it again until you preview while working on the other ones.

One major issue, is that there really is no positioning associated with layers, so you can’t D&D (drag n drop) reorder layers so the foreground is in front of the background things.

All i had to do to support layers was to add these 3 lines of code to Ax.addLayer()

Ax.canvas_storage[layername] = {“1″:[]};//create a canvas storage slot with first frame set to blank

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Preview actually works!

so onlypaths viewer is now inside, and actually working. for some reason before, it couldn’t compile but now it does.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Build 200

okay, so in build 200, it pauses the playback engine thing when you leave the preview tab automatically, so it won’t murder your CPU.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Ajax Animator + OnlyPaths Viewer

the latest version of ajax animator now suppots previewing the animation via the preview tab, or via the Animation menu.

The previewer uses caching so tweens need to be calculated only once. Suprisingly, the cache contributes a negligable amount to the speed.

Posted in Ajax Animator, OnlyPaths.

Rotation Transform….. Sorta

rotation transform sortof works. Its not tweening correctly, but almost.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Fixed Insert-Frame

you can now correctly insert a frame into any point of the animation to, say elongate the tween’s length. It still does something weird and when you go to a different frame, it gets converted to a keyframe. the easy solution to this is to go to the next keyframe before going back. yes, its quite annoying.

Posted in Ajax Animator.


you can now correctly tween ellipses/circles, and you can now draw paths correctly

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Fixed Tween Editing

now it automatically converts tweens to keyframes the moment you edit them. The problem was because the tweening engine had virtually infinite percision so, lets say that one fo the calculations ends up like 22/7 which computes to 3.142857142857142857142857142857142857142857142857… somewhere along the process of loading it into onlypaths, doing freaky stuff, processing, parsing, unparsing, converting, parsing again, and something, things get rounded to 3.1428. The simple fix was to round them from within the tweening engine. So it gets rounded to 3.142, and it works.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Fixed Tween->Keyframe issues

following the amazingly simple fixes to my issues, comes something even more radically simple. Now you can get a tween and convert it to a keyframe. It doesn’t happen automagically yet (i’m working on it), but the solution to this problem is amazingly simple.

in diff.js, in the function Ax.smallest_nonempty (needs a better name, i know), on the last line, i replaced

b - a


a - b

It’s amazingly simple.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

I fixed the tweening!

Okay, so there was this HUGE bug that caused tons of problems, i mistaken it for another bug, and spent hours trying to resolve that one. but this was caused by a oneliner function in it. simply, Ax.tweenNumber(). The problem was that the last argument “index”, (even according to my *cough* wonderful docuemntation) said, index from previous keyframe. For the index, i simply used the frame that was being tweened. This worked fine because the index was already right, as the previous frame was the first frame. so not having that part of the function didn’t matter in that case.

here’s a “changelog”


frs0t ps0t:
  return (index/(frame2-frame1))*(value2-value1); //just hope this works!
second edit:
  return value1+(index/(frame2-frame1))*(value2-value1); //just hope this works!
third magical edit:
  return value1+((index-frame1)/(frame2-frame1))*(value2-value1); //just hope this works!

Posted in Ajax Animator.