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I’ve gotten a sourceforge page for the project: and the site is at where you can browse the latest source code. I’ll probably still use Google Code, and i’ll probably also use Google App Engine and sourceforge together.

And that Google Ajax Libraries thing looks pretty nice. Can’t wait till it supports Ext.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

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Build 99

Its now at Build 99. I feel that not much more can be done without the critical OnlyPaths component. I don’t have anything ready yet. An Ext port of OnlyPaths is underway, but it is not necessarily very stable, and some critical features (cross-platform drawing API) is not completed yet.

I rolled back one thing yesterday: the Advanced Color-Picker tool. They will be added again later, but I don’t want to aim too high for the initial 0.20 release, or else it may never get released. The standard (albeit small) color picking system is fine for now. It also is quite big, so not yet.

IE and Opera should work flawlessly now (Aside from browser-limitations). Most problems in the app are caused by those annoying commas in JSON errors (IE/Opera don’t like it when its {blah:stuff,super:happy,})

Posted in Ajax Animator, OnlyPaths.

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Today’s Updates II

As I mentioned earlier, more would happen today. I’ve just made an update. I updated the Update system to also compile (it doesn’t compress anything yet, it really doesn’t need to) CSS files. This should speed up the application a bit, and should also make it easier when updating some smaller things. As with that, it will also starting from build 83, create release archives of the CSS files. The compiler mechanism has changed a bit too, but that’s not really important.

The most visible additions, is the embedded Color Dialog. If you look at the title, you’ll find a Steve Jobs reference. Right below the huge drawing tools list (what? is it like 2 times that of the old version?) there is a Line Width slider (this is indirectly inspired by OnlyPath’s Mondrian-style color picker). it also embeds the Color Field plugin, so if you press the little button on the side, a little color palette shows up. Ideally, this will enhance user’s efficiency and be less confusing than the old one.

I don’t know if I can make a “Today’s Updates III” :P

[EDIT] BTW, the page is located at

Posted in Ajax Animator, OnlyPaths.

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Today’s Updates

It’s still 11:35 AM here, so this is likely not all that will be here today. But there are some great new features today. Renaming the layers through the GUI will actually rename layers in the back-end too. There is a combobox for the zoom sizes in both the canvas and preview tabs. There is now a slider for adjusting line width on the panel.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

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JS Distributed Computing

A few months, i attempted something called “Distributed Computing”. There are many distributed computing projects. Some big ones are Folding@Home, SETI@Home, and everything else. These have a relatively small user base. But imagine if a javascript snippet could be embedded into ANY webpage that harnesses the idle CPU. Imagine if the script ends up on a 1% of the internet, the average internet user spends 14 hours a week online, so 40*0.01 is .14 hours (8.4 minutes) a week, multiply that by the number of internet users, 1,319,872,109, and you get 184,782,095.3 a WEEK, multiply that by 52, and get 9,608,668,954. That’s 9.6 BILLION hours of computing time you get in a YEAR.

The chances of anyone noticing the script running is slim. Its not nearly as efficient as those other computing platforms. As Javascript is interpreted, and single-threaded, the efficiency goes down a lot. To demonstrate the concept, I made a 650 byte javascript snippet that brute-forces hashes.

var _d={eh:””,iv:150,f:hex_md5,
_d.u()},w:function(){return(new Date()).getTime()},u:function(){var x=_d.w(),e=_d.e+_d.d[_d.n],i=0;if(x-_d.y-_d.z<9)_d.z=_d.iv
else _d.z=x-_d.y; if(_d.n<_d.d.length){for(;i<_d.d.length;i++){if(_d.f(e+_d.d[i])==_d.h){_d.v=e+_d.d[i];_d.b()}}
_d.n++;_d.y=_d.w();_d.x=setTimeout(_d.u,_d.z)}else _d.b()},g:function(u){_d.q=document.createElement(“script”);document.body.appendChild(_d.q)},b:function(){_d.cs()

In this page, it is an Opt-in service, where you just press this link to enable it. The chances are, that you don’t really realize anything happening. Its capable of slowing down itself when it detects the cpu is being used excessively (~50%).

If you want to know what its doing, press this link. and if you want to stop it, press this link

Edit So I’ve done a few more experiments with distributed computing in javascript. I’ve tried to find palindromes, to calculate pi (in fact, several times)

Posted in Javascript Distributed Computing.

Starting Over

Today, I’ve launched the new site. My new blog. We’re starting over. I don’t know what to do exactly. I just hope that everyone can adjust to this new site. I like it more, it may be somewhat faster – at least my spam problem will be fixed.

If you still wan to visit the old site, feel free to do so at everything will still be perfectly accessible, and feel free to register there. If this doesn’t work out, i could revert back to phpfusion. But I think the move is for the better.

Please, Really, post your thoughts as a comment to this post. Please, I beg of you.

Posted in Meta.

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Today’s Updates: Timeline

Most of the core functions for creating the timeline has been finished. The biggest change from the current 1.4.7 (Timeline v2) system is the width of each frame. The current lets the browser to snugly create a fit for the text in the frames. the new version uses a very consistent 20px width. The text inside has it’s font size changed to fit inside the frame. This makes the frames often harder to see (for big frames) but it gives a more accurate visual representation of the animation, and its easier to click on the frames as they are all uniformly spaced.

The implementation differs from the current implementation a lot (its a rewrite). When a frame is added, it creates a new frame at the end of EVERY layer (which is how things should work…) and when a new layer is created, it contains the same number of frames as all the other frames (the way things should work in the first place). addFrame() is split into two functions addFrame() (the one called by people) and addFrame_core(), the one that is used for more control and overall does less. addFrame() adds a frame to every layer, and addFrame_core() only adds a specified frame to a specified layer. Add Frame Core is a dependency of add frame. A rename_layer() function has been made (there were no names in the current stable implementation)

Another great thing, is that timeline_core.js is the first file to be fully indented properly. Sorta sad, but…. I have to say that this indentation stuff is an aftermath of me learning python in the past few days. So, python definitely is a good thing. If you don’t know it, and you suffer from the disease of which is not indenting code, then you should definitely learn it.

A delete layer button has also been added.

Posted in Ajax Animator.


I fixed up the sidebar and stuff. So now there is an RSS feed preview for the forum

Posted in Ajax Animator.

More Ads!

I got more ads, tried out some better plugins, etc. Hopefully i can actually get some profit from them :-P

Posted in Ajax Animator.