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Ajax Animator Sucessfully Updated!

The update is done! now enjoy the opera-compatability, functional tweening, interactive tutorials, text, visual effects, less-rude IE messages, AXML 2, speed, elegance, registration ease, fasterness, awesomeness, insanely great, new version.

My favorite new feature would probably be the effects (explode, ramdom rectangle, brick wall, translate, text, bak2start)

and since some names are vague and there is no documentation:

-Explode: Over a specified duration, it relocates all the shapes on a frame to somewhere else (awesome when combined with brickwall)
-BrickWall: creates a bunch of rectangles that are shaped like a brick wall (the user can change varialbes such as starting point, size, width, height, etc)
-Bak2Start: Reverts last tween. so you can combine brickwall with explode, and use brickwall, you’ll see the pieces converge back into a brick wall
-Text: Random pixel fonts. they are user-generated (actually, they are trusted user generated, as in, i only post the link in some places, but anyone smart enough to look in the source code can find out) they can be magnified, and since they are created by collections of squares: you can explode them just like the brickwall
-translate: translates all objects on the frame by x,y (if you dont know what translate in geometry means, then go consult wikipdia)
-random rectangle: name says it all. it adds a random rectangle. it has a random color, random location, random size, etc.

Then if you need to learn the basics of ajax animator: just go to Help -> Interactive Tutorial

Posted in Ajax Animator.

very unorganized update

The ajax animator is going through a major milestone update, but it’s not very subtle.

Normally, updates to the site take less than 30 minutes, but this time it’s taken a whole 24 hours and counting.

The codebase is much better, but the compilier, the program that I made to create the finalized, optimized product, is working very crappily.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

More IE info/New Idea

Okay, so before I thought it was purely impossible due to the inability for javascript to prototype the HTMLElement object. I just discovered, i could just replace all refrences to setAttributeNS(null,blah,stuffy) with the normal setAttribute(blah,stuffy) and it will still work under all browsers. This means i don’t have to modify the HTMLElement prototype, and all i have to do is to create a document.createElementNS function.

Then IE would be leveled with all the other non-svg yet-fully-standards-compliant browsers.

The non-svg browsers all have the ability to do everything that a normal svg supported browser can do, but you just can’t see the stuff – until you preview the flash animation. I guess it’s not as bad as a huge semi-biased error message.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

IE 8

if it supports SVG, and createElementNS, setAttributeNS functions… then it will probably be supported.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

I Just Had A Breakthrough!

All this time, i was a retard. I did everything that I possibly could to make IE work. Now i just realized that there are thingsl like Adobe SVG Viewer/etc.


It turns out that adobe svg has been no longer supported, and all the alternatives are non-free (as in you have to pay).

Posted in Ajax Animator.

More Technical Details on why IE Can’t be supported

I’m not a really bad coder. Maybe still an amateur, but I won’t just say “IE SUCKS” for no reason. It’s nothing personal, really.

Vector graphics allow you to draw a frame, go to another, alter it slightly (maybe moving a rectangle). It can be magnified anything from negative infinity to infinity, with sharpness, clarity of something that was designed to be viewed at. It’s just like the real world, sort of. You can magnify something, and it just becomes clearer, it doesn’t become fuzzier (which happens to raster formats like JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, etc)

On the Web, there are three major players for vector graphics. One of them doesn’t really count (CANVAS is not really vector to the extent of VML or SVG) VML is a proprietary format, created by Microsoft (this might not be true), and ONLY works in Internet explorer. There are Absolutely NO other implementations of it, WHY? Because during the draft, it was completely abandoned for SVG-a far superior format.
SVG is a standardized format for vector graphics. It is open, widely implemented and used ALOT. The flash file format is actually has a quite striking resemblance to SVG. Professionals use it, it is a standard for ALL types of vector graphics
There are at LEAST 20 times more web based SVG editors than VML. And on the desktop, there are just about no real editors for VML, but there are ones like Inkscape, Autodesk, GLIPS, Maya, Sketsa, Adobe Illustrator, Openoffice Draw, Xara, CorelDraw, Flame, Koolmoves, Microsoft Visio, xfig, just to name a few.
To me, it was almost obvious to base my file format off of SVG.
Luckily for me, the vector graphics library I used, supported both IE and the standard adhering “good” browsers. Sadly, there was one really major problem.
There was no way for someone using IE to edit/improve work of someone else using the “good” browsers. SVG can’t be converted to VML.
Everything was horrible. SVG -> VML -> SVG??? IE support sucked. I wasted like a month trying to make a SVG/VML converter. It SUCKED. it wouldn’t’ render right, and often times i couldn’t implement it in all the core scripts without messing everything up.
As the rest of the application progressed, IE support steadily ceased. I was about to just end support for IE. Then after several incidents with Microsoft windows, I made the “IE is not supported” error much harsher than really necessary. It was actually, because i found that an error message like that was actually nicer and friendlier than a nuclear array of error messages popping up in a consistent stream, completely making your operating freeze and the window getting unresponsive, with the only way to get out of it being to open up task manager with Ctrl+Alt+Delete (gotta love that key combo) and killing the process.

I tried practically everything to get internet explorer to work. I tried building a SVG->VML->SVG converter. I tried to modify an existing SVG->VML converter, I tried to trick IE to think it supports SVG (just had to go replace all namespace dom code to the standard html dom handling code, without complex namespaces) but that didn’t display anyting. I tried hooking up aflax to render the SVG from within flash (sorta worked… no color). Everything I tried didn’t work out very well.
If Internet Explorer, just Magically supported SVG, it would probably just work. It would just simply work in the way it does in any other browser.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

New Supported Browser: Opera

This isn’t uploaded (atleast to the public directory) but, Opera is now a Supported Browser!

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Why IE’s Not Supported

No SVG Support. Period.

Posted in Ajax Animator.

Public Test of new CMS

it’s only partially complete. the “animations” tab works the best, supporting AXML1, and AXML2 file formats.

Posted in Meta.

Quick overview of stuff in Ajax Animator

josep_ssv made this mindmap that can graphically describe the stuff in the project, and the stuff it was inspired by, and links to it. Very helpful.

Posted in Ajax Animator.