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New Ideas

Okay, some new features include a status bar. The status bar is not like most applications, on the very bottom, but on the bottom of the canvas tab. The controls have been removed in the Canvas. So, you view the animation via the preview tab- only. The Preview tab will preview using a internal javascript based viewer, unless otherwise defined, and will continue from the current position. The status bar will contain the current frame of the animation, and so will the animations browser.

There might be a new “Frame” panel in the accordian. The tab will be a tree view with a list of every shape on the canvas. Click on any one, and a properties window with a Property Grid pops up where you can set data manually (x, y, path data,etc)

The Next, Last frame button will be on the right side of the status bar, and there will be a menu next to it where Play-type functionality is offered (some tricks revolve around it)

The “Properties” panel will be ressurected, so it will no longer be a useless panel. It can be used to control rotation, x,  and width, and such.

It will now use OnlyPaths instead of PGF.

And it might have the ability to update (minor versions) itself. It will update everythign except the server scripts

Posted in Ajax Animator, OnlyPaths.

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