Over a few days, things can change fairly quickly. There have been several speed improvements, a new Forum-Style blip rendering option which arranges blip linearly by the time edited with each containing a formatted quote of the parent to establish context. Attachments are now fully supported, including thumbnails and download links. The operations engine was totally rewritten which uses asynchronous XMLHttpRequest, a new callback based system and support for a batch operations (which means fewer requests and faster responses). A wavelet header containing a list of all participants in the entire wave has been added, as well as an Add Participant button. A specialized, extremely fast gadget viewer was added, which allows for blazingly fast rendering of two popular gadgets (and more will come), it works by bypassing the entire gadget infrastructure and loading trusted code directly inline with the DOM. There is a “New Wave” button which allows people to create new waves directly from the client. The OAuth backend was authenticated with google, for more secure login transactions. Blips have a new context menu which allows for features such as Delete Blip, Edit Blip and Change Title. A full changelog can be found here.
μwave updates 03 June 2010
μwave June 2 Wave View
Microwave June 2 Search
mobile-friendly google wave client

Wave Embed API
an unofficial api for embedding google wave threads as blog comments

a gadget that crashes google wave

Wave Reader
publish waves to the web with anonymous commenting and embedded gadgets

Word Association
a simple wave gadget for collaboratively building simple mindmaps

a prototype of a federated real-time hierarchical messaging system

Comet RPG
an online multiplayer rpg from middle school