About 07 May 2008
I’m really not that interesting. This blog is just a place where I talk about random ideas or projects like just about everyone else.
I’ve never really been into talking about myself, rather just the stuff I do or think. I may be somewhat paranoid, or whatever. I think I’m an INTP but I’m not too certain (could my subconscious be deceiving me?).
If you’re more interested on the history of this blog, well, it started a long time ago. I started with phpfusion as my CMS (and 110mb as my host) back in late May 2007, and switched to WordPress and phpBB in mid-2008. Later the year, I got a new web host, GoDaddy, but the blog didn’t migrate there. Just a few days later I switched from phpBB to BBPress. From then to Mid-July 2009, I upgraded to WordPress 2.8 and migrated to a new host.
This blog initially was for the sole purpose of hosting changelogs for the Ajax Animator project (which itself began sometime before March of 2007).
Before this blog, I had several sites starting with a simple Google Page Creator one from 2005. After that I made a Jupiter CMS powered site and later used Joomla after experimenting with Drupal. After moving to 110mb, I used phpfusion because people on the forums seem to like it. Now I’m on wordpress (and repeating whatever I wrote 2 paragraphs above)!
If you want to contact me, my email’s antimatter15@gmail.com I’d really appreciate it if nobody sent spambots after me. You can follow me on Twitter at @antimatter15 or on Google+.