somewhere to talk about random ideas and projects like everyone else



Run Brainf*ck... on your brain 16 April 2009

So I built this interesting brainf*ck interpreter which offloads most (not all) of the arithmetic operations (it concatenates tons of +1s into some more interesting operations). It could easily be made to offload all operations, but then it becomes a bit too prolonged and boring, so for +1s, and +0s, the computer handles the task.

It’s fitted with a Hello World app, which takes quite a bit to start, but then it quickly types out the message.

Busy. 27 July 2008

I’ve been somewhat busy in the last few days, I’m using a new computer now, its quite a bit faster, but doesn’t do everything that the old computer did, and I’m doing a lot for it to catch up.

its also a fresh start anyway, so I guess I can try out new tools/etc (still using the ol eclipse though!).

Switching Editors 15 June 2008

I’m now trying out Komodo Edit versus what I normally use (Notepad++) because of a weird bug (maybe… it may just be my messed up computer). Well, I just decided that maybe a more professional editor would have nice features over a simple editor. I have to say I’m quite pleased.