somewhere to talk about random ideas and projects like everyone else



0.21 Bugfixes 04 August 2008

I fixed this bug where if you drew a square, went to a blank frame, moved it, and then went to a blank frame (do nothing), and go back to a tween (between first and last frame), the tween engine would crash, and the animation would be destroyed. Fixed by wrapping SVGRenderer’s remove function in a try..catch loop.

I also split diff_core into diff_attr which allows you to diff only a single attribute at a time. I also added a diff_list function which would make it easier to implement an export format to a tweening engine like that of JavaFX and Silverlight.

On that note, I added fake support for JavaFX. so you now see the toolbar icon, and I added the script for javafx though there’s nothing in it.

Bug Fixes 29 July 2008

Okay, so in IE you can now actually draw (wow!) though tweening doesn’t work yet :(

I fixed a bug when in Firefox 2 where the preview tooltips end up to be huge for no reason.

Color Tweening 22 July 2008

Well, I added josep_ssv’s color tweening system. I modified it a bit, but it should work fine.