Built on top of the vX Ajax Function, is the vX JS Library. It’s probably the world’s smallest JS Library, in total, about 1.45kb, with things like Animations, Ajax, JSON Serialization, URL Encoding, Cloning, Event Handling, Fade Effects, and more. It’s signifigantly less elegant than jQuery and others, but it is extremely lightweight and quite cross-platform. The code has been optimized down to each individual byte.
It’s not too useful. It may be useful for some tiny things, but it’s not really that useful.
It’s not good enough to make things really high-quality, or complex such as the Ajax Animator. It’s good only if your making like something small, where you might want some ajax, but still want it to load fast.
Also, another thing, not exactly part of the library is vXg, a Get-Only version of vX that’s only 221 bytes. http://vxjs.googlecode.com/svn-history/r26/trunk/ajaxget.js