vX is the world’s smallest Javascript library. It’s modular, powerful, unlikely to interfere with operations of other libraries, open source (MIT license), and cross-browser. It’s designed with size first and foremost and everything else secondary. The cross-browser GET/POST AJAX function with callbacks is only 200 bytes. The closest thing is over twice the size. This extreme density is present in every function of the library.
Currently, the whole framework, including Ajax, Events, URL Encoding, Animation (including Fading), Namespacing, JSON Serialization, JSON Parsing, Document onReady, HTML entities encode/decode, Array Index, Get Elements By Class Name, Object Extending, Templating, Queueing, Class Manipulation and more. is under 3KB total uncompressed.
All functions are aliased to full reader-friendly names as well as very consise abbreviations. For example, Ajax can be accessed by.ajax or .X.