somewhere to talk about random ideas and projects like everyone else



December 2009

Project Wikify Updated

Wave Unread Navigator

The future of the Ajax Animator

CSS3 Sideways Google

November 2009

Wave uses Closure

Wave Search Pause Button

XPath Bookmark Bookmarklet

October 2009

Real Wave Desktop Reader

withpublic not working

my ideas for a browser os are coming true.

September 2009

New Default Colors?

Ajax Animator Video Demo

Scroll Bar Improvements

Ajax Animator Wave Gadget

Massive file sharing networks?

Wave Syncing "Echo"

Basic Shape Resizing in VectorEditor

Ajax Animator Storage

Ajax Animator + Wave

Wave Gadget API issues (again)

Easy Clickjacking Bookmarklet!

RSVGShim A new SVG Shim that renders to SVG and VML using Raphael

Migrating small stuff to GitHub

August 2009


JS vs Python

ShinyTouch Videos

Totally failed mini-project svg-edit + svgweb

Future plans on VectorEditor

Shinytouch Perspective Transform

How I Would Design The Browser 2 Addons

WebWorkers + Canvas + Glif + GIFEncoder = Client Side Animated Gif Generation

Freemovie/JS Pure Javascript SWF Generator

Wave2 A higher level Wave Gadget State API

Ajax Animator Status

Visible/Invisible Frames

Working on interface for Animator/Wave

Ajax Animator Updates


VectorEditor on Wave

Google Wave Gadget API "Flaws"

VectorEditor Updates lines, rotation, more

Google Chrome OS

TUIO Support

ShinyTouch Images

July 2009

Private Tracker Registration Checker in Python

ShinyTouch is 1 month old

ShinyTouch Auto-Calibration

Ajax Animator + Vector Editor

How I would design a touchscreen browser

Vector Editor Google Code Project Page

New ShinyTouch Algorithms

The interesting order of digital communication paradigms

TwitMon Twitter Trending Topics Notifier in Jetpack

New Site!

Redirect referred users to new site's respective page

ShinyTouch ideas


Google and Microsoft

vX JS Library

Ajax Animator History

ShinyTouch Progress Update + Fresnel's Equations

ShinyTouch Zero Setup Single Touch Surface Retrofitting Technology

June 2009

New MirrorTouch Algorithm

Ajax Ranking in Rash QMS

touch input device

May 2009

Somewhat better distributed pi calculator

Good Web Host?

April 2009

Run Brainf*ck... on your brain

Python Ports!

Future updates to the Ajax Animator

March 2009

Experimental Ambient Light Parallel Reflection Optical Multitouch Overlay Proof-Of-Concept Implementation Version 2

Idea for Mirror-Based Multitouch System

Subleq VM + Memory Visualizer

New Idea Insanely Cheap Multitouch


Setting up a Wiki


Safari 4 Beta

January 2009

I Fail

Flexible Plugin System

I'm A Wordpress Idiot

I'm A Linux Idiot

Feynman Point